Thursday, January 17, 2008

Special Day, January 17, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

There was a knock on our bedroom door at 8:30 am, and I stirred but ignored it. After a few more moments and knocks, the door opened a crack and Terrence announced that breakfast was ready. Stefaie's bed was nearer the door, and she extended her hand to shoo him, mumbling, "Yah, yah.." She continued sleeping. I started laughing at the familiarity of her 'Yah, yah" wave. It reminded me of the days when Julia and I would return from a night on the town having both forgotten a key and having neglected to return the spare to its hiding spot. We'd knock on Stefanie's window to have her open the door, but usually got exactly the same shooing wave and "Yah, yah" mumble. We'd then have to go around to wake Guenther and Gertrud to get into the house. At four am, they generally were not pleased to be disturbed, making us beg and giving us an earful. Somehow every time our danced-out feet sounded like lead weights on the floor, pounding and echoing up the open wood beam stairs to wood floors in bedrooms just above hers. That would wake Stefanie, who would walk out and complain about the hours we kept. To the family we'd woken, we'd say, "Yah, yah," and pass out for a couple hours of precious sleep before school. It was not a rare occasion. So after a few minutes of savoring the idea of more sleep, I left Stefanie in her Yah, yah slumber and headed very quietly upstairs to breakfast. She did not wake up, and I joined Guenther and Gertrud for breakfast. We set aside a plate for Stefanie to enjoy at her leisure. It was very special to share that morning with just Guenther and Gertrud. They were very happy to see how much I'd changed my ways but remained the same person, and I was very happy to see them achieve the goals they've had for so long and remain so happy and strong as a couple. When I lived with them, we couldn't have had more opposite views on so many things, but it seems we'd grown to understand and appreciate one another and those different points of view much more in the 12+ years since my departure. We talked, laughed, and shared stories for almost two hours before moving on with our days. The Former women were off to pick flowers for the wedding arrangements. Peter, Louise, and Guenther were off to explore Cape Point, and I was off down the hill to the internet cafe in Simon's Town (power outage delayed my mission). I was supposed to be ready at Corner House at 4 to be picked up by Peter, but was surprised when he arrived at the internet cafe at half past three. He was under pressure from Julia to get more errands run for her, so off we went to the mall, where he handed us the keys and ran ahead on his mission. Louise and I left Guenther on a bench to buy lingerie for Julia (he didn't need to go for that!) and groceries for the bachelorette picnic. Then it was off to Julia's to put the boys in one car and girls in the other for our respective destinations. The men were going to Stuart's, and the ladies were headed to the beach. We drove through the most posh area yet on the way to the beach, and in the middle Julia commanded us to lock our doors as we headed briefly through an informal settlement. The contrast was just unbelievable, and then we were back in posh territory. At the beach we were greeted by sunshine and a strong wind, so we found a grassy nook to avoid too much sand blowing in our food and faces. The softest, gentlest golden retriever made its way over to us and would not leave. It wanted food and attention, and got both. As a pit bull or any other dog walked past on the beach below, the soft golden would charge toward it barking, intent on protecting us and its claim on our food. Our picnic was a nice mix of Julia's friends and family with nice food and gifts that focused on bed, bath, and kitchen. After Julia opened the lingerie I gave her, she reached in the bag again, which confused me. She pulled out a plastic spoon, which confused her. "Which room is this for?" she asked. Everyone was laughing. I said, "Oh, that was supposed to go in the grocery bag!" and everyone laughed harder at the random consequence of shopping for lingerie and groceries at the same mall in a rush. After sunset we headed back to Julia's to get Guenther and go back to Corner House, telling stories and laughing the whole way. The men, however, decided to go to a strip club, so we had a while to wait at Julia's. Gertrud and I sat and talked for a while, and then Julia and Stefanie came into the living room. As Stefanie was unpacking one of the beach bags, Julia and I shared a glance and started laughing uncontrollably at the situation that reminded us of days past. Stefanie asked us what was so funny, but we couldn't stop laughing. She asked Gertrud what was so funny, and Gertrud shook her head and said, "Oh, who knows! It's just a Heidi and Julia thing!" which made us laugh harder at that which cannot be explained in words. We finally got control of ourselves as Louise served herbal tea. The schnapps came out before the men returned, and then Peter drove us back here to sleep. It is remarkably special to be like a family with my German family. Neither time nor distance has separated our relationships.

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